I had this bizarre and disturbing dream last night. I usually don't remember mydreams but this made an indellible impression on me. I was in the house in which I grew up only my room was not my room. It was but it wasn't, if you know what I mean. I got up in the morning and looked out the window. There was a dead bird in the middle of the yard; not just any bird, it was enormous, a crow, I think, only much larger. I wondered what the hell could have taken down such a bird, surely not a cat. I scanned the backyard as it gently sloped toward the woods at the edge of the property and soon had my answer. At the edge of that wood I saw golden eyes peering from the shade. Even though morning sun's rays spilled over the entire scene, three canine figures sauntered haughtily, almost contemptuously toward the bird and began a gristly feast. They were... Well I thought of them as coyotes in the dream but they weren't like anything I've ever seen before. The closest description I can fashion is a cross between a hyena and a wolf only more menacing than either. Malice drenched these beasts and I knew that if I approached them it would be the end of me. Then I noticed a chickenwire fence that wouldn't hold a puppy at bay about a third of the way down the slope toward the woods. It hadn't been there a moment before but this was a dream so I suppose that's OK. The so-called coyotes seemed to respect it for some reason. They would not cross that line even though they could have easily jumped over or knocked it down. I was aware that I had nothing at all in the house with which to drive them away and there were no phones or the phones did not work I'm not sure which. I was aware that if I left my from any door I would be eaten alive and yet it did not occur to me use the phone. Anyway, I was a prisoner in my own home but I knew I was safe for the moment. I became aware that both of my cats were there even though they never lived in that house but they are indoor cats so they were safe as well. My dog, who passed away eight years ago was there as well and she and my cats got on as if they had always been together. They were all safe inside. The problem was that there were cats outside as well; cats I know. There were four or five of them some who live with my friends and one or two that I've often met working the vet clinic. They were actually amalgams of the energy of several cats in each body, if that makes sense. Yet they were all animals I care about for one reason or another and they seemed oblivious to the imminent danger beyond the chickenwire fence. They wanted to roam free and that was that. I tried to keep them in the house so that they would be safe but somehow no matter what I did they ended up outside again prowling the edge of the fence; even if there was no possible way for them to have gotten out. The coyotes came and went but they made their presence known, dragging headless deer carcasses from the woods and feasting. It was so graphic that... I could hear sounds of flesh tearing and jaws crushing bone as the three ate their fill, leaving the bloody half-eaten carcass to rot in the sun. Three deer did they slay and leave to decay. That was just the first day. The next morning I arose and saw that the beasts had captured one of the cats that were in my charge. She was nearly unrecognizable at that point but I knew from the color of the fur that... she was very much like Gina, my favorite of my friend Sherry's cats. I felt a deep loss but I knew there was nothing I could do but try to protect the other felines who were completely unaware of the slavering beasts only inches away. That is all I remember before waking up. I do recall that the season was indistinct, changing randomly throughout the dream. It was so graphic and awful to witness and yet it was like a train wreck. I could not help but watch events unfold. I wonder what in the fuck this means.
That was a really nice comment you put in my journal..Thank you..I think I will talk to him

FLCL is a 6 part OVA by Gainax. It's um.....very.....insane. One of my personal favorites.