To all of you who've shown me love and support in my last two SG sets STARDUST by @valo and BRINGIN' ON THE HEARTBREAK by @tripodski ❤
I turned pink back in 2014, but since then I didn't really shoot much or get emmersed in the SG community at all.. it was a confidence thing and my sets reflected that I was just faking!
Two years ago, I was half the woman I am today and I had hardly any confidence whatsoever. I was constantly comparing myself to all the other beautiful girls (something I know I should not do, I know I know!) and I couldn't quite believe that I was counted as one of them, and surely SG have just made a mistake? I was honestly half expecting an email saying "Oh we're sorry, we didn't mean to pick your set!" - a concept that feels so SO far removed from the person I am today!
My sets that i currently have in member review (Stardust and Bringin' on the Heartbreak) marked such a huge stepping stone for me, as I can see how much I've improved as a model and how my confidence improved at that time. I love both of these sets and the photographers who shot them; I'm a **liiiittle** disappointed that they are still in MR, BUT I know that SG appreciates hard work and model growth, so I'm way too excited for 2017 so I can show you all the sets I shot at shootfest..
I have some amazing sets coming out next year, I dare say the best sets I have EVER shot , with such wonderful photographers I had always dreamed of working with.. @coolicio @r_girardi and @cersei who I will always be eternally grateful to, for shooting me at my most happy and confident in the way I look.
I can look at these sets and say YES! That's me! That's the confident, brave, strong, sexy woman I have always known I could be! She was in there somewhere, she just needed to find her voice and get out ❤
So yeah, excuse my waffle.. maybe due to the fact it's Christmas I'm so reflective and emotional?! Who knows!
ANYWAY! If you haven't checked my sets that are currently in member review, please do and leave your love! It always means the world ❤
Bringin' on the Heartbreak by @tripodski
Stardust by @valo
LOVE YOU ALL and thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement ❤
@lyxzen @rambo