So. Our President appropriated old footage from his professional wrestling days and turned it into a video of him attacking CNN. (Yes--our President has a background that involves his experiences in Professional Wrestling.)
I understand that some people didn't like and/or trust Hilary Clinton. I understand that some people were going to vote for the Republican nominee for President regardless of who it was. I understand that some people found Donald Trump a refreshing change from the norm of politics, that he was an outsider in Washington and wasn't going to be bound to political tradition. I understand that some people feel Washington is/was in need of a major overhaul and that the same people felt that the country is/was leaving them behind. All of these (and more) factors allowed Donald J Trump to become President of the United States via the Electoral vote (though he lost the Popular vote by three million votes).
What I fail to understand is how anyone who is sane and rational can be a witness to his behavior (this CNN Wrestling footage being yet another incident in an increasingly long line of bizarre and irrational actions or statements he has made) and continue to support him. He is clearly a man in deep need of psychological help--and he clearly is not getting it. The people he chooses to surround himself with (and the media he chooses to accept as "fair" and "unbiased") seem unwilling (or possibly unable) to approach him in such a way to make it plain how utterly wrong and dismaying his behavior and actions have been. (Remember back to the halcyon days of late 2016 when people felt that his daughter Ivanka would somehow be a rational voice of reason to him? I cannot imagine anyone who is rational in his life looking at him making up fake wrestling footage allowing him to do so, so I have to assume he either didn't listen to her, or she didn't say anything to him.)
OK, so you voted for him and support him because of his conservative political agenda. That he is making strides to un-do literally every facet of the "evil" Obama administration (which is alternately derided as being either "the most radical in American history" or "a do-nothing Presidency"--two things that are mutually exclusive). That he is "draining the swamp" (though also appointing wealthy donors and bragging about this to his poor people constituency). That he "has done more in five months than Obama did in eight years" (despite most of his actions being the signing of Executive Orders--a very action that he derided Obama for). I would argue that he has done very little except spout off nonsense that is poorly thought-through (such as suddenly and publicly pontificating that maybe the Southern Border Wall will contain solar panels) and is going to be at best ineffective for America and, worse, injurious to America.
If you can honestly watch this most recent footage he has released and not feel a great sense of disquiet and unease about the basic future of America and feel it is the mere act of "blowing off steam" or "having some fun" or "fighting fire with fire" (or any other trite mediocrity) then I have to say I am genuinely curious what you honestly feel the role of the President is in our country (and on the world stage).
To me, this is the behavior of a very sick man who has the ability to cause catastrophic damage to both the country and the world and should be removed from office via the very structures of our Government that he (and some of his cohorts) seem hellbent on tearing down (though I am not a huge fan of the concept of a Mike Pence Presidency I at least don't feel he is an irrational madman dictator wannabe). But if you need to tell yourself I am only an over-reacting snowflake liberal sore loser that's fine too.
Is that healthcare tax break for 400 families really worth the actual cost of a Trump Presidency?