My instinct toward women, in general, is flawed to the point that I now think it may actually be a super power. Whenever I am in a situation where I need to "read" it correctly with the fairer sex I will always make the opposite determination than the truth. So, you may ask, why don't I just do the opposite of whatever my instincts tell me? Good question. When I do that, the whole situation reverses the other way so I still end up making the wrong assumption. I can't "beat the system" so to speak. Without going into too much detail, I will say the other day I was flummoxed by the signals I was getting from a particular woman. I could have acted on them as possible romantic overtures or misinterpreted them as common friendship gestures. In these situations, I never know if it is better to try something (nothing ventured, nothing gained, I believe the saying goes) or to err on the side of caution. Needless to say, I erred on the side of caution, as usual (said the single man as he approaches 40).
Maybe going forward, I will always throw caution to the wind when interpreting signals. What the hey.
Maybe going forward, I will always throw caution to the wind when interpreting signals. What the hey.