I finally re-arranged my room (wheres I spends most of my non-work time), it felt like the clutter and dust were bearing down on me. I literally feel lighter now that things are in their right place. I wish I was OCD about cleaning stuff, since I am pretty sure I have it for annoying things like fear of leaving the oven on or having to check and rechecked if I locked my car doors. In any case, whenever I do lighten my load and clean house I all the time say I won't let it get out of hand again but I know I will.
My computer (iMac G4 700MHz from 2002) is finally dying I think. It is sad, but it gives me an excuse to get something newer. It's sick the things I cannot do on my Mac because I can't upgrade it (I don't even have a DVD reader in this sucker). So it will be good. I want something still in the Mac line I think, and hope to get moving on it but soon.
I finally saw Human Giant (comedy troupe) on DVD. It lived up to the hype. Most sketch comedy these days sucks (tries to hard to be "shocking" when it is just base offensiveness) so it was nice to see some comedy that had some inventive thought behind it. I recommend it highly, if you like to laugh (and, really, who doesn't?)
Back to work ta-marra. Oh well. I make it thru this week of five days and I am treated to 9 days in a row off (I took next week as a vacation week). I am looking forward to it very much, even though I usually only do lame stuff like go to the Toms River Library and crap like that. But it will be plenty sweet to be untethered to my job for an extended run (even though I actually like my job for the most part). Freedom awaits. I just need to keep my head down at work and hope nothing happens that makes me worry for my vacation. I really do have OCD I am almost positive.
My computer (iMac G4 700MHz from 2002) is finally dying I think. It is sad, but it gives me an excuse to get something newer. It's sick the things I cannot do on my Mac because I can't upgrade it (I don't even have a DVD reader in this sucker). So it will be good. I want something still in the Mac line I think, and hope to get moving on it but soon.
I finally saw Human Giant (comedy troupe) on DVD. It lived up to the hype. Most sketch comedy these days sucks (tries to hard to be "shocking" when it is just base offensiveness) so it was nice to see some comedy that had some inventive thought behind it. I recommend it highly, if you like to laugh (and, really, who doesn't?)
Back to work ta-marra. Oh well. I make it thru this week of five days and I am treated to 9 days in a row off (I took next week as a vacation week). I am looking forward to it very much, even though I usually only do lame stuff like go to the Toms River Library and crap like that. But it will be plenty sweet to be untethered to my job for an extended run (even though I actually like my job for the most part). Freedom awaits. I just need to keep my head down at work and hope nothing happens that makes me worry for my vacation. I really do have OCD I am almost positive.