I am trying to understand the present by delving into the past. I have been reading a lot of stuff about American Politics of the sixties and seventies. A lot of it is so much "the more things change the more they stay the same" and all that...but one of the things I read was a lengthy article about Jimmy Carter making a comment that he had lusted in his heart or something, and the ensuing furor. We haven't progressed much further since so much of what we know about politicians is arbitrary and meaningless to the job of, for example, the President. We want our politicians to be "down to earth" when we elect them, and then find it unforgivable when we realize they are human and not immune to the same sorts of fallacies of everybody else. The media helps (or hurts).
GW Bush is a good example of a very wealthy society kid who successfully sold himself as a down-home country boy. The media ran with it, and we still see lots of "folksiness" from him. It seems odd to me that there is some idea that a "Liberal Media Bias" exists given current situations too tiresome to mention. If only there were one.
Additionally, at a toll of over Two TRILLION dollars for the Iraq War, that the Democrats are tagged as the party that likes to spend money ("spendicrats" to hear deep thinkers like Bill O'Reilly spin it) unneccssarily is absurd. To say nothing of the fact that Republicans are supposed to be for less government.
GW Bush is a good example of a very wealthy society kid who successfully sold himself as a down-home country boy. The media ran with it, and we still see lots of "folksiness" from him. It seems odd to me that there is some idea that a "Liberal Media Bias" exists given current situations too tiresome to mention. If only there were one.
Additionally, at a toll of over Two TRILLION dollars for the Iraq War, that the Democrats are tagged as the party that likes to spend money ("spendicrats" to hear deep thinkers like Bill O'Reilly spin it) unneccssarily is absurd. To say nothing of the fact that Republicans are supposed to be for less government.