i love this time of year. bad horror movies on tv. smell of death and dead things burning in the air. actually, ihave to go to the burbs for the good burning leaf smell. something about autumn that i cant put my finger on. seasons rule and I would miss them if I went south. [just so you dont think i am an idiot i am typing this entry in the dark about 6 feet away from the monitor-- for seasonal reasons].
anybody have any suggestions for things to do in new orleans this weekend? I would appreciate it.
my friend contradiction is no longer an active member which is kinda sad. i liked reading her journal and stuff. her birthday is in a couple of days maybe that would be a good bday present.
speaking of friends today is sophie's birthday. god she is so smart, well read and FREAKIN HOT. Happy bday S.
anybody have any suggestions for things to do in new orleans this weekend? I would appreciate it.
my friend contradiction is no longer an active member which is kinda sad. i liked reading her journal and stuff. her birthday is in a couple of days maybe that would be a good bday present.
speaking of friends today is sophie's birthday. god she is so smart, well read and FREAKIN HOT. Happy bday S.
Hey...just got back from holidays and wanted to say hey and thanks for your last comment in my journal.
hope all is well!!