Summertime. An hour or so left here in the office and then I'm home to fire up the grill and get my beer on. It diesn't seem like 4th of July because the day off is in the middle of the week but I am not complaining and in-fact I will be celebrating by drinking and smoking myself into a numb place where only happy...
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Well it looks like my SG account was hacked. The perp changed my screen name, commented on a shitload of sets and added Nazi propaganda photos to my pics (not cool). Looks like their hard work earned me some new sg girls as friends. All of the hacker's comments throughout the site were positive and even got a reply from a couple of hot babes....
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Clutch in Cleveland
@ the Odeon
Friday November 25th
Pre-party across the river @The Harbor Inn
@ the Odeon
Friday November 25th
Pre-party across the river @The Harbor Inn
too funny, that's a great song
I'd love to see them live, you're lucky! Glad to hear you're recuperating, I'm sure you'll be 100% in no time

you've been tagged! write twenty interesting facts about yourself in your journal, then tag five others. 

Good weekend. How was yours?
last full day of summer. i can feel the change. time to crack out the hoodies and boots. you can taste it in the air.
I love when it rains on a comfortable weeknight.
I feel for the southerners going through the aftermath of the storm. Nola is one of my favorite cities and has always treated me well. Its times like this that I wish I were trained in search and rescue or something.
I feel for the southerners going through the aftermath of the storm. Nola is one of my favorite cities and has always treated me well. Its times like this that I wish I were trained in search and rescue or something.
I do too. I can't believe the lack of government support. It's disgusting. Hope you're doing well...
The Black Keys put on a good show last night at the Beachland Tavern. Good food before, good friends, a hot second date... an awesome night. Yet I am up before fucking 9 and I feel personally unfulfilled. The new girl took note of how bitter I am about things last night. Jeez, thats like one of my favorite release mechanisms. Well, bitterness, booze,...
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heehee - Cleveland is going to freeze?
Like brrr or like cataclysmic "Day After Tomorrow" freeze?
Like brrr or like cataclysmic "Day After Tomorrow" freeze?

how did I never know you're a longboarder?? your injury sounds posiotively brutal - KUDOS to you for not quitting! now that's dedication, and I can totally understand. If it was a great night, what's with all the negativity?

im back yall. gnarled up a bit from an overactive summer. cast on my hand, three pins in my pinky finger and some fresh aches and pains from a couple of falls.
cleveland has ridable weather for only a few months a year and its going to take traction to stop me from skating and biking around. deathwish? nah, enjoying life.
hope all of my...
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cleveland has ridable weather for only a few months a year and its going to take traction to stop me from skating and biking around. deathwish? nah, enjoying life.
hope all of my...
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hehe that rules. too bad about the ouchies tho. and its not belated yet. i just had an early present thats all
its not for another week or so

Back from the Big Easy. What a city and what a place to be for Halloween. Had a good time with the girl from Florida and we ate and drank like fucking champs.
I got to meet a Voodoo Priestess an original Disco Queen and the first set of boobies I saw on the street were on a six foot four black trannie. Crazy time....
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I got to meet a Voodoo Priestess an original Disco Queen and the first set of boobies I saw on the street were on a six foot four black trannie. Crazy time....
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i love this time of year. bad horror movies on tv. smell of death and dead things burning in the air. actually, ihave to go to the burbs for the good burning leaf smell. something about autumn that i cant put my finger on. seasons rule and I would miss them if I went south. [just so you dont think i am an idiot i...
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Hey...just got back from holidays and wanted to say hey and thanks for your last comment in my journal.
hope all is well!!