My day is not going so good. I might want to further document the ordeal later. Right now, I just want to cry myself into a fetal position and lament my own stupidity. Because I am dumb, dumb guy sometimes. My car is dumb, too. But I don't want it to hear me think that. Because it's an emotional beast, that decided it didn't want to close its driver side door today. So I drove to work holding it shut. And I got to work, realizing I had no idea where my wallet was. And I go to drive home from work to check on my wallet, but my car decides it wants the door shut now to shift out of park, damn security feature back-firing. So I'm at work, sans car, sans wallet, sans all that implies. Can the day get worse? The saga will continue...
& I hope that your day got better. My brothers car did that for awhile. He ended up having to take it in to get fixed. Talk to you later cutie!