how heinous. i'm home right now, in bfe ny to watch my grandmother's life slipping away right before my eyes. while i was surprised that she made it until i got here, i won't be surprised if she doesn't make it until i leave. so shitty but i'm glad i got to see her while she was semi-lucid & knew me & could hug me...
stopping by LA on my way back through, staying for a night or deux... booty anyone? I think I know just the person for that job. i love having a "friend" from the past who just happens to be a sexy stripper... how exciting. (before i go back to that devil rock hawaii.)
yuki & i are going to see ani-bear in San Diego on 13 FEB. (& I'll see my little friend in LA again... so much excitement I can hardly contain myself.)
my school will be in AZ, most likely. SEP to DEC... who knows? Subject to change, like all things in my life. hit me back, haven't checked things in a bit, as my PC's been down.
stopping by LA on my way back through, staying for a night or deux... booty anyone? I think I know just the person for that job. i love having a "friend" from the past who just happens to be a sexy stripper... how exciting. (before i go back to that devil rock hawaii.)
yuki & i are going to see ani-bear in San Diego on 13 FEB. (& I'll see my little friend in LA again... so much excitement I can hardly contain myself.)
my school will be in AZ, most likely. SEP to DEC... who knows? Subject to change, like all things in my life. hit me back, haven't checked things in a bit, as my PC's been down.

I love you, come out here. In only have one bed, but I am ok with that

Hey, call me-- I don't have the number remember. Hey, I went to Ani in Austin last night and it was oodles of fun.