barf. i imagine i would enjoy putting pics on here alot more if they didn't always look like me! anyway, super crazy busy at work, but learning silly new things that make me smile. goo
how exciting! one of my friends & i are on two softball teams right now, a third to start in may... i am getting really tan (it's about fucking time after being in hawaii for over a damn year!) oh yeah, and i spoke to a person from my past today... a person who is one of a finite number of people for whom i... Read More
nothing like feeling worthless after sitting in the house for 2 straight weeks. how sad, my body is sore, and i, for some reason, am so unbelievably tired. i do love roxicet though. so do my friends (love me on roxicet, that is.)
i'm unique.
i told a girl today that she was a tool that i was using to make myself laugh. how horrible... Read More
hey sexy, I have been busy turning in midterms and dealing with my knee crisis so I haven't been on yahoo for awhile. It looks like I have 2.5 months or so to determine what will need to be done about my knees. Hopefully, I won't have to get surgery. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I read the conversation and I think that I would be scared by someone calling me repeatedly because it has only been about a week or two that you have been hanging out-- that is not enough time for the emotional drunk dial. I hate when I am trying to figure out my feelings for someone and they have already decided that the are madly in love with me
nothing feels better than puking your fucking guts out from anesthesia after having your chest hacked open for surgery. well, mybe SOMETHING feels better, but I doubt it. my body hurts, my incisions hurt, and i'm experiencing alot of drainage. i love oozing blood from random places on my body. okay, back to my drugs. i love lindy.
just two short weeks until my team & i go to white sands missile range, new mexico for the bataan death march! how exciting. i can barely contain myself. but i do get to visit my lindy, finally. hooray for lindy!
Hey girl....What unit are you in? I must have missed your name being added to my profile. I just noticed it today. Anyway how are things? I am glad to finnaly be home. well i guess i will talk to you later.
How exciting. The Princess and I have moved into the new house and, amazingly enough, it's beginning to look more like a home & less like a storage unit with each passing day. Who knows, I could actually have money again someday soon! Freedom to travel whenever & wherever (SA to see Lindy) I please. Speaking of.... anyway, sleepytime now.
HEY! Come to San Antonio ASAP. I am taking 22 Feb-25 Feb off in honor of my birthday. It is not too late for you to come out here. Also, I will be taking a week of leave at the end of March to go and see my brother's new baby in LA. Come see me either time and I will love you forever.
how heinous. i'm home right now, in bfe ny to watch my grandmother's life slipping away right before my eyes. while i was surprised that she made it until i got here, i won't be surprised if she doesn't make it until i leave. so shitty but i'm glad i got to see her while she was semi-lucid & knew me & could hug me...... Read More
sweet jesus... i had this "friend" who doesn't know whether they're a boy or a girl... i just want a cute, smart, tolerable girl who enjoys being a girl and doesn't get on my nerves... one who is a good kisser and maybe even good in bed. one who likes stuff i like, who doesn't talk to much, who i can hold a decent conversation... Read More
so unbelievably embarassed... and i can't spell! wtf is wrong with me? i need a gf... one who enjoys being i grl! ugh... i am small and retarded. i guess i should start making some friends up in this biatch... whatever.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.Anyway just wanted to say what's up.Take It Easy.