This just in: THE OLYMPIC OPENING CEREMONIES ARE FOR BIG GAYMOS. I know this because a couple of them made me watch it. That is four hours of my life I will never get back and that makes me angry.
hey it's your bitch here, just checking in to tell you that not only is there no decent ass on this rock, but also to inform you that because of my stupid lame-o job, i couldn't get my new ink tonight!
this obviously makes me unbelievably
. that would have felt so
on the inside of my wrist!
also, i would like you to know that feel pukey
and this also makes me
i slept with a cute girl last night
it was my best friend
no sex here
i am getting ready to go to that on 30-day long school in a few weeks, but i am so afraid of failure that i don't even want to go!

also, i started a new diet... STACKER3, H20, Red Bull, and one meal a day!
this should not only be very healthy & aid in the loss of some unnecessary poundage, but also get me ready for the big important day (05 OCT!) blah
i'm already scared and it's almost 2 months away!
well hit me back, sassy pants. love you, love me