wowzers! having a real job keeps me too far away from the computer
how i miss my countless hours on this site!!!
work is going well. night work anyway. i have such a blast, and don't really have to do much

my car has yet to sell, but there are two people coming to look at it tomorrow. please, if you have good karma... SEND IT MY WAY!!!!! eep, i really need some good luck. i never really get any
today, i took the pups for a walk and saw my old teacher, jason. he is such a rad dude! it was really nice to catch up a little, as i haven't seen him since i graduated a year ago. it's actually insane how time flies once you grow up a little. it's already been a year! yikes!
it's also been over seven months that i have been with andrew. but i guess that feels like longer, cuz i see him all the time!
he melts my heart, what can i say.
in photo news, i took some new self-portraits with the 4x5. i haven't had time to get them developed yet, but i will soon... er i hope.
i also shot this

i was testing out a lens with the good camera. ashley brought her lens home so we could try the same lens i have on the camera. it just seemed that mine was garbage, but as it shows, this one is too. oh well, i tried

work is going well. night work anyway. i have such a blast, and don't really have to do much

my car has yet to sell, but there are two people coming to look at it tomorrow. please, if you have good karma... SEND IT MY WAY!!!!! eep, i really need some good luck. i never really get any

today, i took the pups for a walk and saw my old teacher, jason. he is such a rad dude! it was really nice to catch up a little, as i haven't seen him since i graduated a year ago. it's actually insane how time flies once you grow up a little. it's already been a year! yikes!
it's also been over seven months that i have been with andrew. but i guess that feels like longer, cuz i see him all the time!

in photo news, i took some new self-portraits with the 4x5. i haven't had time to get them developed yet, but i will soon... er i hope.
i also shot this

i was testing out a lens with the good camera. ashley brought her lens home so we could try the same lens i have on the camera. it just seemed that mine was garbage, but as it shows, this one is too. oh well, i tried
The 50mm f/1.8 Lenses is really cheap for Canon / Nikon, and is tack sharp!
Great photo =)