Welp I'm jumping on the bandwagon and starting with this:
(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
So how has everyone been doing? Good I hope!
Not too much has really been going on here with me!
Just work and school and school and work!
I am like really missing you guys around here! We seriously need some kind of outting! I wasnt really successful in seeing all my lil babies at Bentos last time! I felt like not too many of us came out! But oh well! and now it seems as if the Mondays has died out or is it just me? Ahh well! I'm just gonna have to call your asses and hookup with you on our own time!
So following suit with burnbright and Miss KellyJanice here are some damned random and possibly unkown facts about myself!...
:i am way scared of the dark! it's the kind of dark that sooo dark that you cant even see your own hand in front of you! I guess its more about me being skeeerrrd of whats in that dark that I cannot see!
:i am allergic to the cold. I have Raynaud's Phenomena.
:i am allergic to cats soo badly that depending on the upkeep of one's house and how they clean up cat hairs and and the dander, my lungs can start to constrict so quickly that i could actually die within 10-15 minutes from extreme lack of oxygen! This has almost happened to me once in life(the woman had 5 cats and their hairs and cat dander were just lurking around and in the air). My dad instantly started CPR and was breathing for me until the EMS arrived. My eyes also start to swell shut when i get around cats!
:i was a spice girls fanatic 9th and 10th grade! I went to see them @ Polaris! I taped evrything they did on the telly and I bought all the mags and the merch that they had out...down to the chips, candies, and chuppachupp suckers, and dont forget the dolls! I have since quit my crack smoking habits therefore i am now of a sound state of mind! "If you wanna be my lover...", oh sorry! A relapse there!
:i kissed a girl for the first time at 8-9 years old She always wanted to play house and she wanted to always be the 'dad'! She told meto kiss like they do in the soap operas! I was like ahhh that means open my mouth! And she was like yep! and then began touching me in the 'privates'(i love that we said this as kids!)!!! LOLOLOLOL! I was way lost! I thought it was normal. but soon i learned that not all lil girls played HOUSE in this same manner! LOL!
:i lied to everyone in highschool and told them I wasnt a virgin and I had created a pretend boyfriend too! I wanted to be cool like all the other sluts! LMAO!
:i am scared to be alone! but i love to be by myself! LOL!
:i am still in a battle with the ghosts of my past from when i was a puker! I still get the urges! but i hate to puke more than anything!
:i am very lonely in my skin
:i am very gullible(sp?)! I believe almost anything...within reason! Ask Orez! He got me really good once!
:i have been able to flex my right pec/breast since like the 2nd grade! I am still to this day working on my left one!LMAO!
:i cant roll my R's
:i tried to pee on a tree at the park when i was kid! I saw all the boys do it and so i joined in! UHMM YEAH ABOUT MY PANTS DOWN AROUND MY ANKLES! Dad freaked out on me!
LMAO!!!!!!!! I love that I tried to this!
:i was in my teens, and much slimmer and unhealthy, and I was a ballerina and in dance! And I was in the production of CATS that was here in Downtown Columbus! One of the best times of my life!
And i think thats all my mind can come up with at the moment! LOL! So chew on that stuff and write me back with something! LOL!
I love you all! And good night!
(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
So how has everyone been doing? Good I hope!
Not too much has really been going on here with me!
Just work and school and school and work!
I am like really missing you guys around here! We seriously need some kind of outting! I wasnt really successful in seeing all my lil babies at Bentos last time! I felt like not too many of us came out! But oh well! and now it seems as if the Mondays has died out or is it just me? Ahh well! I'm just gonna have to call your asses and hookup with you on our own time!
So following suit with burnbright and Miss KellyJanice here are some damned random and possibly unkown facts about myself!...
:i am way scared of the dark! it's the kind of dark that sooo dark that you cant even see your own hand in front of you! I guess its more about me being skeeerrrd of whats in that dark that I cannot see!
:i am allergic to the cold. I have Raynaud's Phenomena.
:i am allergic to cats soo badly that depending on the upkeep of one's house and how they clean up cat hairs and and the dander, my lungs can start to constrict so quickly that i could actually die within 10-15 minutes from extreme lack of oxygen! This has almost happened to me once in life(the woman had 5 cats and their hairs and cat dander were just lurking around and in the air). My dad instantly started CPR and was breathing for me until the EMS arrived. My eyes also start to swell shut when i get around cats!

:i was a spice girls fanatic 9th and 10th grade! I went to see them @ Polaris! I taped evrything they did on the telly and I bought all the mags and the merch that they had out...down to the chips, candies, and chuppachupp suckers, and dont forget the dolls! I have since quit my crack smoking habits therefore i am now of a sound state of mind! "If you wanna be my lover...", oh sorry! A relapse there!

:i kissed a girl for the first time at 8-9 years old She always wanted to play house and she wanted to always be the 'dad'! She told meto kiss like they do in the soap operas! I was like ahhh that means open my mouth! And she was like yep! and then began touching me in the 'privates'(i love that we said this as kids!)!!! LOLOLOLOL! I was way lost! I thought it was normal. but soon i learned that not all lil girls played HOUSE in this same manner! LOL!
:i lied to everyone in highschool and told them I wasnt a virgin and I had created a pretend boyfriend too! I wanted to be cool like all the other sluts! LMAO!

:i am scared to be alone! but i love to be by myself! LOL!
:i am still in a battle with the ghosts of my past from when i was a puker! I still get the urges! but i hate to puke more than anything!

:i am very lonely in my skin
:i am very gullible(sp?)! I believe almost anything...within reason! Ask Orez! He got me really good once!
:i have been able to flex my right pec/breast since like the 2nd grade! I am still to this day working on my left one!LMAO!
:i cant roll my R's
:i tried to pee on a tree at the park when i was kid! I saw all the boys do it and so i joined in! UHMM YEAH ABOUT MY PANTS DOWN AROUND MY ANKLES! Dad freaked out on me!

:i was in my teens, and much slimmer and unhealthy, and I was a ballerina and in dance! And I was in the production of CATS that was here in Downtown Columbus! One of the best times of my life!
And i think thats all my mind can come up with at the moment! LOL! So chew on that stuff and write me back with something! LOL!
I love you all! And good night!

1. a movie: boondock saints-very good
2. a book: america the book
3. a musical artist, song, or album: the widow-mars volta
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
hello, hello