Well! I am soooo over due for an update! I have been pretty busy! Hopefully the rest of the week will calm down! I had a really great weekend! I went to see my cousin(who i call my lil sister due to adoption) at her college, Kent State, and we had a blast! We went shopping, went bowling, TRIED shooting pool, had dinner, and then we just vegged out in her dorm room!!!
I took tons of pics and will post some of them up in my pics.
Then I was off monday and I just took that time to rest up!
Sucks that I missed PHP! But I am glad to read that everyone had a good time!!!
Well I am free on Friday if any local peeps care to hang out! I would actually love to do something because I wont be free again until like Wednesday! School is now taking up my schedule!AHHH
Well I hope that everyone has a good rest of the week!
Love you all out there in SGLand!

I took tons of pics and will post some of them up in my pics.
Then I was off monday and I just took that time to rest up!
Sucks that I missed PHP! But I am glad to read that everyone had a good time!!!
Well I am free on Friday if any local peeps care to hang out! I would actually love to do something because I wont be free again until like Wednesday! School is now taking up my schedule!AHHH

Well I hope that everyone has a good rest of the week!
Love you all out there in SGLand!

look what you did!!! i've never been apart of someone's profile pic before