
A forum for SG members to discuss feminism, as well as all the other "isms" that make up the intersectional nature of equality politics


Movies, books, TV, comics, games, hobbies, interests, obsessions, anything and everything that affects your life and isn't covered in the other groups!

atheists & secular humanists

Come all ye unbelievers, freethinkers, blasphemers, doubters, heathens, heretics, infidels, scoffers, skeptics. Come together, Sinner Friends. MOD NOTE PLEASE READ BEFORE JOINING: This group is a SAFE PLACE for Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists. If you're thinking of joining this group to question our non-belief against you belief, proselytize, or …

Classic Club

A group for fans of classic pin-ups, burlesque, and vintage beauty!

weight loss

A group for those who are trying to lose weight. Here you'll find support, ideas, motivation, and anything else on the subject. There are no miracle cures. Hard work and eating right is the only sustainable weight loss method. There is one and only only thread about weight loss pills …


Display your latest creations, discuss your favourite filters, look for help and advice, take part in a photoshop challenge!!

film club

Film, movies, cinema, whatever you want to call it! Please don't spoil anything!


A group for discussion and recommendation of Comic Books and other things that fall under the category of Sequential Art.


All things gaming: new school, old school, PC, Xbox, Playstation, Handhelds, etc! Discuss gameplay, modding, and anything else gaming-related!