I went back to work at platinum tonight. bout time. It was good. i bearly made shit for money, but it was good to be back in the game. I still got it. lol, So lets see. i saw anastasia tonight and she wants me to go to canada with her in the in early april, hmm, maybe? depends on my finacial shit. And, i met alot of new dancers tonight, didnt get in ANY arguments, and had a pretty decent night. PLUS i found out the old manager-Thomas- got fired for breaking someones arm (Thomas was who FIRED me a month or so ago) SO now i can work anytime i want to again... SWEET. I am seriously thinking about dancing now too, i mean c'mon... its EASY money- and GOOD money at that. i mean in one night, i could make 300$$$ easy-dancing- and that would be my rent money all fucking month- in ONE night.. that would be nicceeee... But i dunno i so DO NOT have the body for it, yet, i mean... i dunno, there are some chicks who OBVIOUSLY didnt look in the mirror before they started dancing- but thats whats great- theres alllllways some crazy fuck who is into a weird type of chick... so everyone wins. As of now- im lucky to make 50-80 a night. and thats pocket change for the dancers.
check out my oustanding list of things i MUST pay ASAP....
-speeding ticket 125$$$
-credit card bill- 20$$$
-emergency room bill- 126$$$
not to mention i have a constant need for Gas, food, ciggys and art supplys for school... i am honestly the one person i know, who is a freshman and HAS TO work and have a job or else they will starve, everyone else has mommy and daddy to help out... well no- i have mommy and mommys boyfriend. and thats not much.
im crashing= got class today and its 6 AM and i just got home from work.. eeek
check out my oustanding list of things i MUST pay ASAP....
-speeding ticket 125$$$
-credit card bill- 20$$$
-emergency room bill- 126$$$
not to mention i have a constant need for Gas, food, ciggys and art supplys for school... i am honestly the one person i know, who is a freshman and HAS TO work and have a job or else they will starve, everyone else has mommy and daddy to help out... well no- i have mommy and mommys boyfriend. and thats not much.
im crashing= got class today and its 6 AM and i just got home from work.. eeek

i dont think it matters at all what yr body looks like, as long as you've got the right attitude etc.. you could always give it a try and if it doesnt work out then try something else.
course you'd have to decide whether you'd be comfortable gettin yr kit off in front of strangers every night, im sure its not for everyone.
but good luck on the decision