I take no more pleasure from fixing other peoples problems, I say this in regards to work.
I used to just love to help when it came to matters of the digtal sort, now I find it hard to muster the modivation to do my job.
I want a job where I get to chat with people, a job where I can just hang out, but then again many would kill for my shitty job, so I shouldn't complain.
But I wants what I wants and I will never grow up...
I've been writing more and more recently and all directed at musical stuffz0r, the hardest thing that I have found is that when I write something I hear the perfect intonation in my head but when I say it, or sing it, or spit it, I just sound like a retard, most frustrating.
I need a sugar momma to wisk me off to Hawaii where I can sit on a beach and let warm rains fall on my open eyes. I really hate this time of year for the weather, its just depressing and I hate being depressed with no reason. Maybe thats the cause of the weird state that most Portlanders maintain, the weather makes everyone crazy but noone really wants to see that so... they invent their own maladies to justify there reactions.
well anyway time to start heading back to the hood, fuck spell check, fuck grammer check, yay for mis-placed punctuation, I lazy dont forgive me.
Mood: Hungry/Randy
I take no more pleasure from fixing other peoples problems, I say this in regards to work.
I used to just love to help when it came to matters of the digtal sort, now I find it hard to muster the modivation to do my job.
I want a job where I get to chat with people, a job where I can just hang out, but then again many would kill for my shitty job, so I shouldn't complain.
But I wants what I wants and I will never grow up...
I've been writing more and more recently and all directed at musical stuffz0r, the hardest thing that I have found is that when I write something I hear the perfect intonation in my head but when I say it, or sing it, or spit it, I just sound like a retard, most frustrating.
I need a sugar momma to wisk me off to Hawaii where I can sit on a beach and let warm rains fall on my open eyes. I really hate this time of year for the weather, its just depressing and I hate being depressed with no reason. Maybe thats the cause of the weird state that most Portlanders maintain, the weather makes everyone crazy but noone really wants to see that so... they invent their own maladies to justify there reactions.
well anyway time to start heading back to the hood, fuck spell check, fuck grammer check, yay for mis-placed punctuation, I lazy dont forgive me.