Wow, so may things have changed in recent times.
I got laid off from my job a few weeks ago... so I'm taking a break pretending to be a loser.
I guess after six years doing the same thing you get a bit sick of it.
Also, I'm single again. Thought I was getting married, but some drama later and thats all over.
Music has...
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I hear a noise in the cracks that exist between skin and flesh.
I ask goats questions and kill birds with songs.
I live a life that dies in raspy comments emitted in sleep.
So still don't seem to find the time to update my SG, yet alone check out the site very much.
If you need (or want) to get in touch with me send an email to dex.pdx@gmail.com or hit my LJ at http://lindex.livejournal.com
The problem is that I dont have admin access to the router at work and the sysadmin thought it would be cool to...
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Thanks for the birthday wishes...
So I'm now at that prime age, yay for math jokes.
I've been keeping busy as in living a life outside of the small illuminated portal known as a computer connected to the internet.
Anyways I swear when I think of something worth saying I will post again, so like never smile
Bye for now.
I'm here for my two days of internet fun. Saying hi to everyone on mylist, then some research. Nothing specific, evolution and random shit.
Long time no talk cutie. How's it going?

Wee, new profile pic.
ok done now.
Happy Fucking Birthday....
hey duder, i missed your birthday... sorry... happy belated nonetheless... smile hope you had fun. smile kiss
If I didn't know that I wanted to play it again or if I were rich and didn't have to worry about buying another one, I would smash the little fucker into the ground until it was nothing but kindle.
I'm yet again at a loss for inspiration.