* I changed my hair again.
* I took a test for my anatomy & physiology class - crossing my fingers I did enough to pass!!!
* I went straight from my test to a lab for the same class on the lungs and watched my teacher pump air into pigs lungs. Smell made me woozy - this vegetarian doesn't handle the scent of dead animal very well.
* I did all this without crying, panic attack or major incident. Not sure if ive told y'all im bipolar but a few days ago a medication I was taking for it stopped agreeing with my body and things went bad. Very bad, very quickly. So today was day four of weaning it off that drug and Im proud of how Ive pushed through and grateful for all the support I have had, especially from my mama and the brother. Together we mad a bad situation work. Thats what happened today.
Tomorrow... I go back to my psychiatrist, Dr K, and find out what we try next. If Im honest, Im a little scared and a lot tired of living this way - mental illness isnt kind to anyone it touches.
But today was a success.
How was your day????? <3