This time of year is hard. The anniversaries of the deaths of 2 of my grandfathers falls just days apart. Its been 2 years since my maternal Granddad and just a year since my paternal Poppy died and all I can say is that I had no idea how truly unconditionally loved I was until they were gone. Both kept their feelings hidden in various ways. I guess thats what many men of a certain generation, particularly ex Airforce servicemen are like.
Its such a cliched thing to say but the people in your life may not show you how they feel in ways that make any sense to you but try to see things through their eyes. I wish I had realised how lucky I was when they were both here still
What do I do when its raining and im a lil down and I should be studying because uni starts again on monday...
I turn pics of my lady parts into abstract papercut art!!!
I call it - Pretty in the Pink ;)