Busy boy, no rest for you

Its kinda amusing that I'm still taking classes after all this time. I mean, its week 9/10 in this quarter system, and I'm all synched up w/the undergrads in terms of stress and midterms, and after class I get back into lab where its a completely different kinda stress. The grad student stress is like a constant malaise; frantic...
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The 15th hour in lab today. Woulda been out earlier if it hadn't been for that 500 Mhz NMR gettin' all uppity at me. Had to bring in Mr. Fix it and have him get all up in its face sayin' "step off and shim bitch!"

Yeah, its been a long day. Still rotovaping off solvent. Fucking columns.

But on a lighter note, if alla...
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You may also dig Starfire's Namaste Bombay set... At his web site go to th emusic tab and grab that set, quite nice...

Every mile should be a beer mile. For everyone.

A marathon would be a little more difficult, then.
On target and then some

Sunday was long run day, 18 miles of fun and enjoyment planned amidst all this nice San Diego weather. Planning our route (Anne, Tim and I), we were originially thinking of starting from Pizza Port Brewery in Solana Beach and head north along the coast to Carlsbad and back, finishing w/post-run victory beer and pizza, but instead opted for some...
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(Not-Really) New Brit Honda Accord Ad [thanks Nexa!]


There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film. Everything you see really happened in real time exactly as you see it. The film took 606 takes. On the first 605 takes, something, usually very minor, didn't work.

They would then have to set the whole thing up again. The crew spent weeks shooting...
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woah. that gave me flashbacks of making rube goldberg devices in GATE way back in the day. 606 takes huh? i'd wanna beat the paint off the fucking honda after about 100 ooo aaa
Ya just don't stop.

The Do Lab (miracle grow) threw this amazing party Saturday night in a former catholic cathedral in downtown LA, replete w/confession booths, a bassnectar on the alter, and >800 freaky burner people. To say the decor was awesome wouldn't do it enough justice, and Cecelia, Ruben and I had a good 'ol time getting jiggy to it. The Leucent L'amour show...
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Bummed I wasn't able to be in town for it, I heard good things, and of course the after-party at our joint is still going on I think... egads!

sorry i missed it too. but i nerded out proper in sf to make up for it.
Hungover from last night's dinner party and having slept 4.5 hrs, I wake up@5:30am to start studying for a kanji exam I have at 9am. Afterwards, I start preparing for our group's lit presentation, skipping lunch, cram in some quick chemistry, present, start another rxn, and now find myself in a state of lethargy the likes of which, well, kinda reminds me of many a...
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hope you did ok on your test : ) thanks again, that was a deeeeelicious evening!

Dragon Lounge past Friday night was a nice bit o' tribal breaks from my routine. It was nice to see Kelly before she heads off to europe for awhile, and finally got Sasha to the Kava lounge. Met Sasha's new boyfriend, who is literally twice as big as she is, which is kinda funny.
Yoshi's newborn daughter musta been up all night because we...
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six feet under

Don't worry, I'm not ruining any of the storyline by posting this. After David's 4th season traumatic experience, he talks to his father about it:

Father: You're missing the point.
David: There is no point, *that's* the point.
Father: Don't give me that phony existential bullshit. I expect better from you. The point is right in front of your face.
David: Well...
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maybe i can get it sunday? i work from 2-8 but the rest of that day i'm free... i'll email ya : )
Sat night

Mmmm, biked to Comikaze and had lunch at Sipz, eating yummy vegifoods whilst reading Pounded. Biked back, and now being a chromatographic bitch. With a Layo&Bushwacka soundtrack, o'course.

Nice sunset. I should create a folder for all the neat-O pics I snap snappy from yonder roof of my 2nd home.

But that brings us to the Sat. night. Big plans, big plans: I'm...
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Crazy weekend #2

So the weekend before last there was that bike ride downtown to check out Doc Martin till 4am followed by the bike ride back home, again followed by helping a friend run the last 8 hrs of a marathon.

This past weekend was going to a warehouse party up in LA to see Evil Eddie Richards till 8am, then got back to...
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