Ah, new laptop! How I love thee! So fast and light and abundant in RAM and storage space just waiting to be imprinted.
I am also happy today because I feel like I am succeeding more and more as a photographer. The other day I sat down and answered as many applicable posts from "creative gigs" on Craigslist as I could find, and within two days, I'd already received three responses! (If you've ever tried to look for work on Craigslist, you know how frustrating it can be to get people to respond at all.)
I also have a girlfriend who is trying to expand her portfolio of websites created in Wordpress, and she has taken it upon herself to re-do my website, just because she thinks I ought to have it. Now that's a sistah! I wanna make stickers that say "Chicks who write code are sexy". It's true!
I am also getting a lot of people from my community of friends asking me to take pictures for them, usually of their own artwork, and for trade or something. So photography isn't quite paying ALL my bills yet, but it feels good just to know that people like my work!
So yah, I love comments on my hopeful sets, and I did play a role in the photographing of those as well, but more comments on my photography album would really make a grrl smile! Check it out!
Happy day to everybody and bless your heart if you've kept reading all the way to this point.
I am also happy today because I feel like I am succeeding more and more as a photographer. The other day I sat down and answered as many applicable posts from "creative gigs" on Craigslist as I could find, and within two days, I'd already received three responses! (If you've ever tried to look for work on Craigslist, you know how frustrating it can be to get people to respond at all.)
I also have a girlfriend who is trying to expand her portfolio of websites created in Wordpress, and she has taken it upon herself to re-do my website, just because she thinks I ought to have it. Now that's a sistah! I wanna make stickers that say "Chicks who write code are sexy". It's true!
I am also getting a lot of people from my community of friends asking me to take pictures for them, usually of their own artwork, and for trade or something. So photography isn't quite paying ALL my bills yet, but it feels good just to know that people like my work!
So yah, I love comments on my hopeful sets, and I did play a role in the photographing of those as well, but more comments on my photography album would really make a grrl smile! Check it out!
Happy day to everybody and bless your heart if you've kept reading all the way to this point.


Wishing you continued good fortune in the photography... & kudos on the Abagnale mention, down blog. Don't know much, if anything, about the man beyond the Spielberg film, but I'll be damned if the film is not one of the best of the decade. So, when I see it come up, well... I'm pleased.

yes form an alliance.
join the geezer group!