I recently found some new info on lilith and various others that I have been studying. Most of my sources had ran dry until recently now I seem to have found the urge to get back into my readings full force.
Thursday or Friday im supposed to go and get those tickets to the Shinedown/Seether concert. Later that night if all goes well Ill be curled up with a bottle of tequilla. Finally now that the madness of the holidays is over things should get back to normal again. heh, normal....... Seems to be another word for boring but hell its better then having to deal with another fucking holiday season. I'll stick to boredom
Thursday or Friday im supposed to go and get those tickets to the Shinedown/Seether concert. Later that night if all goes well Ill be curled up with a bottle of tequilla. Finally now that the madness of the holidays is over things should get back to normal again. heh, normal....... Seems to be another word for boring but hell its better then having to deal with another fucking holiday season. I'll stick to boredom

Holidays are actually more boring to me than the rest of the year.