I think my hate for this holiday has been finalized after today. I've grown to hate most every holiday but i think today seems to take the cake. First of all nothings open secondly im not much of a practicioner of christmas anyway. Don't get me wrong family is great but this day just sux out right. I'd like to run over the next bastard that has a merry christmas or jesus loves you bumper sticker on his car.
On a lighter note i am picking up tickets to yet another concert in little rock. This one will be shinedown and seether. It should be entertaining even though im not much for either of the bands that are going to be there. eh, Anyway happy holidays to all of those who care.
On a lighter note i am picking up tickets to yet another concert in little rock. This one will be shinedown and seether. It should be entertaining even though im not much for either of the bands that are going to be there. eh, Anyway happy holidays to all of those who care.

Sorry 'bout earlier. I was playing a game and forgot to set my away status. On second thought I thought MSN did that automatically but maybe not. My fault.
By the by, I listened to NW's "Over the Hills..." Pretty awesome. Reminds be a tad of Nevermore, which is something I like to call elf music. Not a Zep cover though, but still great.
[Edited on Dec 26, 2005 1:54AM]