Well the concert was pretty decent. My friends and I managed to get front row for all of the bands. After opiate for the masses played their set *which was totally awesome* the crowed became kinda restless. The barrier to the stage was slid back about 5 feet or so during an out of place mosh pit. I managed to get kicked in the face and elbowed in the ribs. My date had to get out of the mass of bodies because of all of the pressure and her small body not being able to hold up to the constant crushing. Afer all was said and done and after we got the hell beat out of us the concert was well worth it. I managed to get a few up close and personal snap shots of the bands hopefully they turned out ok.

Glad it was a good time, but not for the flying fists. Never been in a venue really crowded before, so I hope it wasn't too bad.