I thought about putting my friends obituary on here but decided against it. Things here have still been up in the air as of late. My friends and I got together yesterday just to hang out since we hadn't done anything together in sometime. We ended up drinking absinthe and Crown and just playing video games, while we listened to NIN.
Things have gotten monotonous again... Doesn't it just kind of sneak up on you. One minute you have things your doing then the next your thinking Im so fucking sick and tired of repeating the same shit every night. hmmm....

Things have gotten monotonous again... Doesn't it just kind of sneak up on you. One minute you have things your doing then the next your thinking Im so fucking sick and tired of repeating the same shit every night. hmmm....

I completely agree. %1000. The monotiny is killing me. I think need to spontaneously move to Germany.