My depression continues to linger into this next week..
. Hmm even the alcohol isn't working *whats up with that*. Other then that the week has been awful for other reasons. I found a new occult book that I want but due to the price I can't afford and to top it off my best friend is in the Local ICU due to an enlarged heart. Is it just me or has the beginning of fall already turning everything into a disaster. Fall and winter are my fav time of the year too which makes it even more disconcerting. God those cd's need to get here in a big fucking way.

I don't live in the southern part of AR. I live in the NE area. You can see Jonesboro on the SGAR community profile pic if you want to. Still that's a long haul though, probably more money spent on gas than money saved on discount.
I don't have Yahoo, but I do have AIM, MSN, and GoogleTalk. Lemme know if you got any of those.