wooo guess what time of year it is? nope not holiday time. FINALS TIME. boo hoo. anyway, im in my last week of classes and im busting my ass to get all my projects finished. its crazyyyyy over here. (over here meaning at my place). i have silkscreens and tissue paper, and paints and pens and tea cups scattered all over my apartment. so needless to say im eagerly anticipating my winter break. the best thing about it, my xmas present from my fam, we are all going on a cruise. oh yes, here i come panama, costa rica, belize. im gonna be tanning in bikinis and riding mountain bikes on the excursions and partying in the onboard club. 24/7 party. only catch, my dad still has no clue i have a tattoo. my mom, older bro, lil bro, grandma, ALL KNOW. whoops. lets just say its going to be quite the scene. anyway, when i get back from my cruise (the day after xmas), im going to be in chicago and all my friends who were studying abroad will be back and im throwing a pre-new years bash. and then of course going out again the next night. so, it might be cheating to have 2 parties, but i just like double the fun.
anyway, if i dont post til then,
hope you all have happy holidays!!

anyway, if i dont post til then,
hope you all have happy holidays!!
how was the cruise???