my how time flies. i have been awful at keeping up with this. right now we only get internet on one computer in our apartment and its my roomies, so i feel awkward being like, yeah i need to borrow your computer to look at nudie pics. im going to the netherlands on oct. 11th. it is so close and im very excited. school has been keeping me mucho busy. my birthday came and went and i got a bunch of ridiculous/awesome gifts. dozen roses from the bf made me smile, kama sutra from the roomies =even bigger smile, 100 bucks from the g-ma=big time score for this bday. hope all is well with you all. and i promise to try to be more attentive to this site and check out more girls.
we went to brooklyn this weekend and hit the bars, one bartender had a crush on us and gave us free drinks. but 40 year old men were not our style, so we took their compliments and pretended to be lesbos, (even though we're just bi), and had one of the best weekends ever. im most definitely in love with new york and i will live there for at least a year after i tour england after i graduate. ah plans. ah life.


That popsicle tattoo is awesome, lady.
very cool