And I called out Light in the middle of the Night

And I called out Light in the Middle of the Night

(But in truth, it was L who was on my mind)
Okay, I'm convinced that something is rotting in my brain.

Today has illustrated that my excitement levels have gone kooky beyond reprieve...

This morning, when getting out of my bed (which is elevated to ceiling height) I missed my footing and fell down the ladder, clinging last minute, Indiana near miss Jones style to the bed frame with my feet dangling in the air... I...
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Aaaah, domoarigato Sko-pu-san! My day was most lovely and got the most beautiful custom hand crafted bag with naked anime ladies on it for my age turning troubles ^_* (images to follow) yakusoko da yo!
happy late Bday

smile robot
Oh, because I'm an audacious, hopeful filthpot I have just added a wishlist link to my page eeheehee *_*
Izumi and Scar Lusting

The manga Zetsuai and its continuation Bronze (by cathetic crazy lady Minami Ozaki whom I place in the highest obsessional regards) features something that melts this Menkui to her very core. His name is Izumi and he is the jewel upon the prince's crown, the top boy, my 'bararous goddess'.

I'm could spend many lines recounting why it is that the...
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Okay now honies, I'm super pissed about the fact that whilst not on my own machine I cannot be more illustrative (ie get framegrabs to explain my ramblings a little better) but we must make do, strike while the iron is hot and the analogy is as fresh and sweet as a peach... (mmm momo)

RIGHT, Bleach 62, a reply to dear Tokage: What do...
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Hehe XD Afraid I've gone off of Gackt a bit recently, so even having him in Bujingai doesn't do much for me. The running-up-walls-and-flying-around is very pretty though!

*___* Mmmm, Dante! I adore that man like nobody's business X3 Have you read the DMC3 manga? It's godly!
I must confess, I have not. Though, despite possessing a rather wonderful monument to the adoration of his pixels (namely a 5ft standee that resides in my bedroom) I am crappy at finishing his games - I even have Viewtiful Joe, (with good intentions of finishing them).

As for Gackt, he's good but not a patch on Hyde or Yura-sama *aaaaaah*
Konbanwa! Osshisashiburi da na! Heartbreak junkie the limemenkui at your service ^_^

'Tis the season of freeloading and obligatory winter disease so in my idleness the menkui should (and simply must) relay her thoughts.

I fucking love seiyuu - Japanese voice actors are largely incredible. Knowlegde of them is perhaps an arbitrary fancy of mine alongside my general pursuits of the visual but damn, a...
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Hahahahahahahaaha! *sigh* the journal entries may be few and far between (although with good reason this time to be sure wink) but by christ they make for a fun read when they come along! The fun! The exuberance! The filth!

One question though; Aizen Taicho before or after the end of the ep 62?

Blood+ is fucking awesome by the way! ^_^
I have yet to have seen episode 62, but you can bet I'll have an answer for you as soon as I do ^_^ espeicially if it involves lots and lots of lovely blood & bishonen *aaaaaah su-te-ki*
Menkui's word of the day BANKAI!!!

Yes, I have been watching Bleach again and thought I would share the euphoric pleasure of watching the fucking sexiest fight since Sephi & Cloud and that twin bladed sword in Advent Children...

So I wait around for a while, for the delicious poster boy Ichigo Kurosaki to unveil his most powerful battle mode and for my happy purposes...
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This arrived in the post this morning and, after translating bits of it and giving it a play, I can safely say that it's fucking awesome! ^_^

And just imagine the fun you could have with it...all the Ichigo / Byakuya fighting closeness you could ever want at YOUR behest wink
Never really got into Bleach, and Naruto has just let me down to the point where I watch the odd episode very couple of months just to see whats happening.

Was getting really into Beck, when my source lost the last half of the series frown
Argh! I fucking love Paradise Kiss!!! It's so amazing!!!


It's airing at the moment in Japan and I await it avidly each week. It's a show about a girl who becomes the model for a group of fashion students.

The anime studio producing the series are doing a pretty good job with the adaptation from Ai Yazawa's manga...

Sooooo much eyecandy and beauty!!!

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Y'know I think you get into your anime even more than I do smile i'm going to have to track down this series now as well...*le sigh*...another cartoon character to fall in love with tongue
Commencing the diary of the menkui!

For reference to those not knowing the obscure Japanese term, a menkui is a person who is easily drawn in by beautiful things.

It is here that I shall relate my fabulous mental adventures in eyecandy land.

I discovered, as one does with the preoccupations I do, that one of the scariest characters I have ever seen is actually...
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Bankai!!!??? Ooooh yeah! Oh, wait, no his bankai was like a giant smog breathing baby monster wasn't it... eeeew I think not.

No if I'm gonna hanker after anyone's bankai, it's gotta be Kuchiki Byakuya *aaaaaaahn suteki*

Aaaah - yes please Byakuya-sama!
Byakuya huh? What is it about him then? The cold, unfeeling air of disdain or the absolute power...maybe both! smile

Not Renji then? He's got some fucking cool tattoos ^^, and how about Zangetsu (who is, according to the urban dictionary, "too badass to accurately put into words!")...or maybeeeeeee...Kon! tongue