Tra lala
The weekend was nice, I got drunk off my ass and stumbled around with my best friends.
One of my closest friends is having troubles right now, I want them to feel better and to realize that life is really great if you look at it from the right perspective. Keeping positive in all situatuions is the way to go.
Well I decided I was gunn eat better begining today (again) because lately I have been pigging out like a piggy! But I woke up and ate leftovers, a fudge bar (yes yes it was low fat but STILL.) then I snacked on mixed nuts. Big problems. ha. Well I figure im going to the gym today anyways, but seriously woman, have some self controll! No one wants ya to turn back ito a butter ball! haha! In the future I will post a pic of me from a few years back and let yall puke at the sight of it.
Other than all that life is a little dull but im gunna start in on some new artworl soon.
ta 4 now
The weekend was nice, I got drunk off my ass and stumbled around with my best friends.
One of my closest friends is having troubles right now, I want them to feel better and to realize that life is really great if you look at it from the right perspective. Keeping positive in all situatuions is the way to go.
Well I decided I was gunn eat better begining today (again) because lately I have been pigging out like a piggy! But I woke up and ate leftovers, a fudge bar (yes yes it was low fat but STILL.) then I snacked on mixed nuts. Big problems. ha. Well I figure im going to the gym today anyways, but seriously woman, have some self controll! No one wants ya to turn back ito a butter ball! haha! In the future I will post a pic of me from a few years back and let yall puke at the sight of it.
Other than all that life is a little dull but im gunna start in on some new artworl soon.
ta 4 now