Club Suicide was amaaaaaaazing :3
Gabe volunteered to be designated driver for the night which was nice, even though I didn't end up drinking anyways. We took his friend with us (who shall be called that boy) as well and he spend the night wrapped around my shoulders like a shawl. The dancers were fantastic and I still would like to figure out who the cute little blonde girl was dancing with the fuzzy boots. She was so adorable I just wanted to hug her.
We danced for several hours and enjoyed the hula hoop show. There were a lot of pictures taken by other people wandering around with cameras and then we ventured out to find late night food. Gabe was adamant that we go to a burger joint that he'd been to some time before but could not remember quite where it was or what it was called. A good forty minutes later, we were still driving around looking for this place that he wanted to eat at and all three of us were now hungry and slightly crankier. We passed by an in n' out and decided to eat there instead, but just as we were looking for a place to make a U turn, Gabe spotted the burger place. Go figure. 2 am and it was still busy with a line out the door. We stood in line for a long while before we were able to sit down and eat. By the time we finished it was about 4 am and we still had to make it back home. I dont remember much of the drive other than the fact that I fells asleep on that boy's lap.
Gabe volunteered to be designated driver for the night which was nice, even though I didn't end up drinking anyways. We took his friend with us (who shall be called that boy) as well and he spend the night wrapped around my shoulders like a shawl. The dancers were fantastic and I still would like to figure out who the cute little blonde girl was dancing with the fuzzy boots. She was so adorable I just wanted to hug her.
We danced for several hours and enjoyed the hula hoop show. There were a lot of pictures taken by other people wandering around with cameras and then we ventured out to find late night food. Gabe was adamant that we go to a burger joint that he'd been to some time before but could not remember quite where it was or what it was called. A good forty minutes later, we were still driving around looking for this place that he wanted to eat at and all three of us were now hungry and slightly crankier. We passed by an in n' out and decided to eat there instead, but just as we were looking for a place to make a U turn, Gabe spotted the burger place. Go figure. 2 am and it was still busy with a line out the door. We stood in line for a long while before we were able to sit down and eat. By the time we finished it was about 4 am and we still had to make it back home. I dont remember much of the drive other than the fact that I fells asleep on that boy's lap.
Darn lucky boys lap!! Sounds like a great time 

That sounds like a typical weekend night for me. Haha. I hate the whole getting lost thing, because then usually by the time I get to the food, the cravings are gone, and I just wanna get in bed. So, club suicide is fun? I want to go. Damn me being in Vegas.