Wow...the last two weeks have been fucking savage. Being back in school for the first time in a few years is awesome as fuck, but that and full-time work is kicking the ass. On the up-side, I'll have two entire days off from everything in mid-March! surreal
Well worth it, though. Just took a little time to figure out what the hell I'm going to do...
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Hmmm. I lived in Boulder for 13 years. Left in 2001.
Anyway, I was writing to find out the results of your SG Float experiment.
I really should be in bed now. There's a goddam flock of geese somewhere nearby,making some serious noise. Why are geese here in january?

Alas, I don't think I'm going to be able to finish Cryptonomicon before classes start. Not a big deal..looks like the reading load's gonna be pretty light this semester, so I should be able to pick it off at my leisure....
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School and work full-time. The last time I did that,I crashed and burned; and without much grace,at that. At least I'm not working the graveyard this time; I suspect that's what killed me before. I've got to finish all of my personal reading before classes start Tuesday. I've been scrambling like hell. Here's what I knocked down in the last three and a half weeks:...
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Being back home,at last! I think I just fit a lifetime of activity into nine short days. It was a really good time, but as I grow used to the fact that I'm not there anymore, I find that I'm emotionally battered. Nothing a good romp in the snow won't fix. biggrin ooo aaa
Could you send me those channel lists for the simpsons, ect...?

I've been looking for something like that!

you got a picture pic...VERY GRAINNNNEEEEE
Being back south is a goodness. Sea-level tolerance is a goodness. Dick fuckin' heads in white caps,who until now I believed in in a sort of boogie-man way,are not such a good thing. Un-fuckin'-believable. I'm in awe of the power of raw stupidity and an incredible lack of awareness of self people in general. Wow this is incoherent. Car-bombs are good.
are you talking about white hatters dude?

back in boulder, the cats say hello.
Back to the south tomorrow. I'm actually really excited about going back this year. This probably has to do with the fact that I'm actually staying for a good deal of time this time around. The best part about going back is the amazing tolerance for all things distilled that is gained from going from high altitude to sea-level. Get ready to go down, bastards! biggrin puke
Holiday party...good times. Those of you that didn't show missed out,yo. biggrin

I'm excited,because even though I have to get up in a few hours to work,I have the work holiday party to look foward to afterwards. It's not the party itself that's exciting...though free food and wine is never a bad thing. It's the fact that I get to spend the evening with someone very...
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Fuck. Twelve minutes away from another year gone by. These things come up faster and faster these days. But I'm a little closer to being who I need to be,so I suppose it dosen't matter.

Las Vidas

Ay que incomoda a veces
te siento
conmigo, vencedor entre los hombres!

Porque no sabes
que conmigo vencieron
miles de rostros que no puedes ver,
miles de...
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bitch frown

don't be sad, there there..... smile
now that's a good little bitch. blush

[Edited on Dec 19, 2003 9:07PM]
sorry, I had plans tonight that fell through, so now I am raping your journal, I do apologize.
How am I going to handle working full-time and a full-time class schedule next semester if I'm this burned out from simply working now? Hopefully just a change in pace,even a faster,more intense one will give me the right perspective for pushing through it.

Really excited about going back home for a week. I really do miss some parts of the south,even in a city...
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I don't think I've so thoroughly and effectively wasted a day in a long time. It was everything I hoped it could be. I did spend some time this morning with some logic puzzles,but it was more to pass the time than to flex any brain. I mostly just paced and sat in front of the computer. Fuckin' glorious.
This is something I should enjoy...
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