and what if she never found her way?
city to city like a born convict.
i'm in hate with war, but in love with guns.
I had a dream she saved me from the handcuffs just in time raw and real like somekinda superhero.
I need to burn off my fingerprints harder.
"You know you're playing with fire"
nah, fire likes to play with me.
Love, Lily
It's comforting to hear you say that you've taken notice of my comments all this time, and that they haven't all been in vain.
Anyway, I've seen my fair share of jails and institutions, too- I don't know if they give you an identity but they certainly leave a lasting impression. In fact, I just got back to NYC for a court date I had on Thursday, but got held up with the absurdity of security and wasn't able to make my flight, so by the time I got here on the next available flight it was too late to go. "Security"... sometimes I wonder who they're protecting. I've got a warrant out on me now that I'm going to try to vacate when going to court tomorrow, and hope the judge doesn't throw me in jail.
In any case, if you're ever in the city at the same time as me, I'd love the opportunity to talk to you face-to-face...
Keep the faith,
[Edited on May 07, 2005 5:39PM]