back on the side of the road with a cardboard sign and upset insides. do you really believe in love? I just know this strange tradgedy unravelling over these roads, these train tracks, this country. But we all still know love, just in a reconstructed and bitter form. I met this girl last night fresh out of the mental institution in pink high heels. she brought me home with her last night and we danced to nick cave and the bad seeds. She was in a state of mania. I think i made a friend for life in that room with nick cave's voice as our soundtrack to a crazy night/connection/world/dream We made plans to go on vacation to "Rock city" together. maybe in a few weeks. Next week my swedish friend is holding me hostage for five days at his flat and chasing away the demons with lots of water and dreams and whispered prayers with a swedish accent. I suppose i do really believe in love.
Love, Lily
Love, Lily
And Aileen makes me happy, too.
any way you can find it