We speak the same language only in theory. bruised flashback telling untold tales of things unsaid, but you knew you had to be there. in this car, on this train, hitchhiking through nevada on a hot summer day, walking aimlessly on this artificial beach while broken shards of seashells tore up the soft parts of thee bottom of your feet but you still smiled pretty for the camera while you bled like Jesus. You knew you had to be there, drunk on whiskey in the forest in florida while he fucked you hard from behind like he was trying to excorsize your demons but he just gave you more. You knew you had to be there when she stopped to say hello, she could have been mother theresa except for the crack smoke extending itself all around her like it was some kind of sick joke because her speech swirled around and collapsed before she could communicate her tattered thoughts that were there, but they just dissapeared. You knew cause the constellations don't lie. slowly unfolding awkward and strange fates connected only in illusion. connected only cause this woman, this planet accidently birthed something a little too raging but she allowed me to stand up and scream anyway.
Love, Lily
Love, Lily
'I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night..'