Here we are, me and joan of arc. she sleeps here with me. space travel girl. traveled so many miles. We lost track of space, just the sounds of the telivision. shut that shit off, and crackheads crying down the hall. I think she said Jails, Institutions and then death. I can't remember it all, opiates block and inspire. Kill and retire. I talk to garbage bag ladys with unmatching shoes and we agree about the injustice, we see through the tainted glass. If i was a bullet in a gun brilliant in my glory, I'd kill the president first and then die like bullets do, like presidents do when karma decides it ain't so cool to bomb third world countries. I hear babies scream at night, But i'm crazy. Thats what the doctors say anyways, "keep hopping freight trains and eating out of garbage cans and you are going to die young girl. My soul sista sara says sometimes prophets are meant to die young. 96 pounds in all my fury, yeah that was me asking you for spare change when you passed by me dead eyes and i saw through your mind and i saw it was dead. just like most of these zombies, wandering, wandering. Don't you know Mr, that we are all prisoners, inside or outside of enemy lines. Until we choose to revolt baby. I'm in that process of healing and a revolution.
Love, Lily
P.s. My homeboy Mumia Abu Jamal needs your help. if anyones going to be around the north east in a couple months or so go protest to save this innocent mans life from the injustice of the system and the death penalty. I'd go but I'm on fuckin probation, so start a riot for meFreeMumia
Love, Lily
P.s. My homeboy Mumia Abu Jamal needs your help. if anyones going to be around the north east in a couple months or so go protest to save this innocent mans life from the injustice of the system and the death penalty. I'd go but I'm on fuckin probation, so start a riot for meFreeMumia
dude, probation sucks... i hated it... how are you feeling?