Its hard to be sick on the streets. everyone that passes you sees something a little too dangerous to stop for . i need to roll someone for their walllet but i'll probably just sleep it off and od on saraquil.
The world is so deep, so fast, so many different dimensions. how can we recognize them all? we don't, we just exist. work stupid ass 9-5 jobs getting fucked up the ass . and i just sit here travel your lands, eat candy, and scribble words on the sidewalk.
"You are not free" in little black letters.
Love, Lily
The world is so deep, so fast, so many different dimensions. how can we recognize them all? we don't, we just exist. work stupid ass 9-5 jobs getting fucked up the ass . and i just sit here travel your lands, eat candy, and scribble words on the sidewalk.
"You are not free" in little black letters.
Love, Lily