At last the site is up!

You can also watch the trailer at www.myspace.com/nowherekidsmovie and leave a comment! and add them as a friend if you do the myspace thing!
.I always seem to have a hard time during the holidays. It's the lack of biological family. It's the feeling of being so alone while you watch families huddle together in the streets and drown in their mindless consumerism and even with my detest...they look so happy from over here.
anyway if you want to cheer up a gypsy orphan this holiday...WishList
I think now is the time to maybe start expressing myself through modeling again and that means, yes, shooting sets for suicidegirls again! It's been a long interlude but I have to say that I truly miss self expression through modeling. Lately I have been behind the camera more, as a hobby i suppose.
I had to walk away from a womanchild i adored so much. Her crimson colored lips stained with truths obscured. My love for insane women goes back to childhood as I stood above my mothers blood on the floor from self inflicted cuts to her wrists. That was a lifetime away yet seems so close. Her medication bottles were empty. All of them.I watched as she threw them in the toilet, her eyes red with tears and rage And she kneeled by the toilet and watched with crazed delight as the assorted colored pills swelled up with piss before she flushed them into the sewers.Her last rebellion, overwhelming like the heat before a storm.These walls have seen war zones and these bathtubs have seen death.She's metamorphosing slow but incessantly
And now she sweats bullets during her trance like sleep.I live in a world where love never dies, it only transforms and so I kiss her eyelids and sway towards the door
The goodbye always makes my heart sore.

Love you all, Lily
Question: do you prefer the dream world or the waking one?
my answer: The dream world definitely...
and what happened with that idea of coming back all nude and dancing??? im gonna miss you, sista. see you in some months! love u from the Heart.
I'll miss you round here, but best of luck to you pretty lady