Spinning in circles, In New York City. I slept in my van all day. I drank too much last night. Me and my friends crashed some lame ass party and fucked shit up. we were throwing beer bottles at the porch on the way out. I always feel crazy and uncontained around shawn. when we get together we become tottallly sociopathic. I love him. We are very immature and rude together. Stealing kegs from frat houses and shit.
I also saw my soul sistah sara and my friend sierra.It made me feel connected again. I don't know, I've just been surrounded by white trash strippers and horny men for so long. It's nice to have a philosophical conversation once in a while. It's nice to feel something. I've been stumbling around this artificial city all day. everytime i come here i feel so small.
I have a photo shoot tomorrow. I need to go paint the sidewalk.
Love, Lily
I also saw my soul sistah sara and my friend sierra.It made me feel connected again. I don't know, I've just been surrounded by white trash strippers and horny men for so long. It's nice to have a philosophical conversation once in a while. It's nice to feel something. I've been stumbling around this artificial city all day. everytime i come here i feel so small.
I have a photo shoot tomorrow. I need to go paint the sidewalk.
Love, Lily
mmm, nyc..i hear it's all up to..you??
yeah! i love yer energy. it's familiar; i know that explosive passion and burning churning rock n roll fire. you sound happy. your words are up and feel good to read. thanks.