A bunch of extremely pretentious Art/Model/Actor/Musician Fucks from new york and L.A. accidentally stumbled into our white trash strip club last night. It was very strange. They took an interest in me and invited me to their pretentious expensive party where they handed me my very own $100 dollar bottle of Champagne, I got reminded of how much i hate the industry and how it fucks you up and steals your soul away. These people were so dehumanized. But this one "Manhattan Artist" was fascinated by me and my cynism and gave me his card telling me he could "Show me the big bad art world in manhattan". I've heard that before. But maybe he'll send me some money sometime. They were all loaded. I ended up hooking up with this one guy that apparently is on a fox TV show called fusion or something about extreme sports or something, He said that trying to impress me, I told him i hated TV and sports and hadn't even heard of his show. The manhattan artist turned to me after talking to me for a bit and said "You're really cute and intriguing but now that i know how smart you are, I think i'm going to go have sex with your stripper friend." he was very honest and Jaded. I actually liked him But i guess it was a turn off that i'm not an air head and i'm a bit insane. So he fucked blonde stripper and i was left alone in a room with fusion boy from australlia who was name dropping left and right in pathetic attempts to impress me and inhaling very large amounts of cocaine. And i think its safe to say that fusion boy had one of the smallest penises i've ever seen, I wanted to take a photograph, I was so fascinated.
There was this other really cool kid there who was a DJ and told me that he was opening for Sage Francis in burlington next month, But besides that the rest of them were so self absorbed and dramatic and self conscious that it made me sick, I locked myself in the bathroom and swallowed my vomit.
I made peace with guitar boy cause he writes me pretty love songs and calls me at 3 am. A lost artist on a continual search for his soul, floating on the interstate.
I got a tattoo of a naked woman, Pregnant with the world. My world. Fuck yours.
Love Lily
There was this other really cool kid there who was a DJ and told me that he was opening for Sage Francis in burlington next month, But besides that the rest of them were so self absorbed and dramatic and self conscious that it made me sick, I locked myself in the bathroom and swallowed my vomit.
I made peace with guitar boy cause he writes me pretty love songs and calls me at 3 am. A lost artist on a continual search for his soul, floating on the interstate.
I got a tattoo of a naked woman, Pregnant with the world. My world. Fuck yours.
Love Lily
I like the way you write. I my self, on the other hand am an awful writer, so I'm always looking for inspiration. Thank you for the unintended inspiration.

Fusion? I never heard of that one either but to be fair I rarely watch TV.