My mother was Chaos, Going 95 Miles per hour as if silently whispering to the sky, telling her we were ready to die. C'mon Baby, Fuck with us. Hitching rides with serial killers and when we heard him talk about the smell of rotting flesh my homeboy reached for his gun and i held him back because i could see the scars in his soul, and they reminded me of mine. Got lost in that southern star dust that shattered pieces of me, pieces i can't recover now. But i know that with love as my weapon i can do anything.
Dear Life, You are a bitch, and your pussy tastes so good.
Much love, Lily
And when i rise, God better be ready....
Dear Life, You are a bitch, and your pussy tastes so good.
Much love, Lily

And when i rise, God better be ready....
man, my computer's being a piece of shit, and i want to watch your video sooooo bad

Thank you for the birthday wishes.