Street Smarts is on, I love that show.
I'm getting ready for bed soon, I am kind of tired, But who knows if I can fall right to sleep. (If my cookie monster don't wake me up!) ~~~My Cuddle
Oh I forgot to add Last night at Mary Kay's house, I brought my video camera, We made a movie, It was mad funny! I looked so retarted in it! But she wants to use it for her media class, I don't mind it though. I love looking and acting dorky from time to time.
Well, Street Smarts is over, It's time for bed,
I wonder what kind of dreams, I will have.

I'm getting ready for bed soon, I am kind of tired, But who knows if I can fall right to sleep. (If my cookie monster don't wake me up!) ~~~My Cuddle

Oh I forgot to add Last night at Mary Kay's house, I brought my video camera, We made a movie, It was mad funny! I looked so retarted in it! But she wants to use it for her media class, I don't mind it though. I love looking and acting dorky from time to time.

Well, Street Smarts is over, It's time for bed,
I wonder what kind of dreams, I will have.


[Edited on Jul 02, 2003]
everyone looks retarded on film. thats my opinion anyway.