Just recently I've been feeling like I don't have enough time to do everything. I have so much crap to do and not enough time to fit everything in. It's not that I am taking on too much, But it's pretty much the same things I always been doing. I don't have enough time to fit sleep in either. So I'm always tired and I feel like I don't want to do anything else, But get everything I need to done. I think I am emotionally -&- physically drained.
Last 3 days/nights I had to put off a lot of stuff. Now it's just piling up.... So Friday I am going to get everything done. And hopefully thru the weekend maybe have time to just relax. By next week I'm hoping I'll feel so much better, And then start my website up. I was supposed to work on my website this week, But that didn't happen. I really need to start b4 they close my account... Oh well!
I'll see what happends
That's all for now!
Have a good one everyone!!
Last 3 days/nights I had to put off a lot of stuff. Now it's just piling up.... So Friday I am going to get everything done. And hopefully thru the weekend maybe have time to just relax. By next week I'm hoping I'll feel so much better, And then start my website up. I was supposed to work on my website this week, But that didn't happen. I really need to start b4 they close my account... Oh well!
I'll see what happends
That's all for now!
Have a good one everyone!!

Aww I know how you feel. Between school, work, and other crapola, it starts to get a lil overwhelming. It passes eventually. Once you get whatever done plan something really fun to do.
Hope everything works out...and if you ever feel like chatting my sn is on my profile page thingy. 

Yo I'm a DAD now! I got a little girl!!