ATTENTION: This is Jim.......I wrote this rant and it was meant for my page, but unfortunantly my ranting arrogent ass didnt notice I was signed onto my beautitul wifes I apologize for that. I cant figure out how to erase it from her page. Please disregard this post.
Some things that have been crossing my mind lately. I'm just going to rant about some shit, feel free to read or disregard....
I love my country, it would be arrogant of me to think this is the greatest country in the world when I havent been to any other countries, but I love this country regardless, its all I know. Yet it cant go ignored, somethings that just dont seem right. This country ignited the flame of industry to the rest of the world. We are the fathers of industry. Everything we do is geared towards convenience and efficiency. We have built this country up so fast and so recklessly that we have done more damage to the earth in the last 100 years than had been done in the last 100 billion. The American attitude of "I want it now" is catching up with us so
quickly, and it's an ugly, ugly thing. The invention and abuse of fast food has started a nationwide epidemic of obesity. One out of every three people is obese. With a nation so geared towards glamour and beauty, we are the fattest fucks on the earth.
Our school systems are a joke. We have no money that goes towards helping our public school systems, and with the average teachers salary, why should they give a damn about your kids? They are as eager for that three o'clock bell as the students are. Dont think this a mistake. This is far from a mistake. Why should the government throw money at school in downtown LA, New Orleans, New York or any other metropolis in the country? The school system is not built to turn young minds into the next fortune 500 CEO. They want to churn out steady workers who know how to run computer programs, not invent them. To run a mill, not run the boardroom. They want workers who can fix an oil rig....not inherit one. This country is owned by wealthy, white, business. The Wal-Marts, the chevrons, the pharmaceutical companies, and anyone else who can afford to send lobbyists to Washington and fill the politicians pockets with money for their cause. These families can afford to send their kids to private school, and Ivy League school....and they will inherit these companies. So the rich stay rich. Keep it in the family. Yes this country is "run" by small business, but its big business that catches the eye of the government. Why are cigarettes legal? Why is alcohol legal? Why is weed illegal? Hypocrisy at is finest. Why are there gun shops and liquor stores on all street corners in Watts and South Central LA and not in Beverly Hillsyou cant even find a 7-11 in Beverly Hills. None is this has ever concerned the government, until election time when they want your votes and blow smoke up your big, fat, fast food eating ass.
Does anyone still believe that we are at war because of WMDs? If thats the case, then why are we not in Korea right now? Iraq was such a dangerous threat to the world that we were able to take over the whole country in about 3 weeks.were we looking for WMDs, or protecting the oil supply? Is it coincidence that the Texas oil companies purchase oil from the Bin Laden family, and for some reason we cant find a 6 foot tall man on dialysis running around the mountains? Time and again the government seems so successful at diverting our attention to other causes. Why is the white house so quick to go to Iraq with no proof of wrong doingyet so slow to react to Hurricane Katrina? From the Clinton administration to the Bush administration, we went from have record high surplus to have a record deficit. The American public is no longer a concern to the government. They could care less about us. God bless the United States? Why? We no longer worship God. We worship the almighty dollar. Separation of church and state my big fat white ass. How is that possible? We have a president who is of the religious right, asking our troops to prey for him during his re-election. A president who says the jury is still out on the theory of evolution. A president who is pro-life and even pro microplasm and will not allow stem cell research. YET.. Is in favor of the death penalty, and has no problem asking 18 year old kids to kill, and die in the name of freedom for the United States. Again, Thou shall not kill.My Ass. Thou shall not steal? Goodbye social security. Hello Iraqi oil fields. Thou shall not worship false idols..yet they erect a statue of the 10 commandments on the steps of a courthouse, which makes no fucking sense to me. Well, thats all I have for now..
ATTENTION: This is Jim.......I wrote this rant and it was meant for my page, but unfortunantly my ranting arrogent ass didnt notice I was signed onto my beautitul wifes I apologize for that. Please disregard this post.
Some things that have been crossing my mind lately. I'm just going to rant about some shit, feel free to read or disregard....
I love my country, it would be arrogant of me to think this is the greatest country in the world when I havent been to any other countries, but I love this country regardless, its all I know. Yet it cant go ignored, somethings that just dont seem right. This country ignited the flame of industry to the rest of the world. We are the fathers of industry. Everything we do is geared towards convenience and efficiency. We have built this country up so fast and so recklessly that we have done more damage to the earth in the last 100 years than had been done in the last 100 billion. The American attitude of "I want it now" is catching up with us so
quickly, and it's an ugly, ugly thing. The invention and abuse of fast food has started a nationwide epidemic of obesity. One out of every three people is obese. With a nation so geared towards glamour and beauty, we are the fattest fucks on the earth.
Our school systems are a joke. We have no money that goes towards helping our public school systems, and with the average teachers salary, why should they give a damn about your kids? They are as eager for that three o'clock bell as the students are. Dont think this a mistake. This is far from a mistake. Why should the government throw money at school in downtown LA, New Orleans, New York or any other metropolis in the country? The school system is not built to turn young minds into the next fortune 500 CEO. They want to churn out steady workers who know how to run computer programs, not invent them. To run a mill, not run the boardroom. They want workers who can fix an oil rig....not inherit one. This country is owned by wealthy, white, business. The Wal-Marts, the chevrons, the pharmaceutical companies, and anyone else who can afford to send lobbyists to Washington and fill the politicians pockets with money for their cause. These families can afford to send their kids to private school, and Ivy League school....and they will inherit these companies. So the rich stay rich. Keep it in the family. Yes this country is "run" by small business, but its big business that catches the eye of the government. Why are cigarettes legal? Why is alcohol legal? Why is weed illegal? Hypocrisy at is finest. Why are there gun shops and liquor stores on all street corners in Watts and South Central LA and not in Beverly Hillsyou cant even find a 7-11 in Beverly Hills. None is this has ever concerned the government, until election time when they want your votes and blow smoke up your big, fat, fast food eating ass.
Does anyone still believe that we are at war because of WMDs? If thats the case, then why are we not in Korea right now? Iraq was such a dangerous threat to the world that we were able to take over the whole country in about 3 weeks.were we looking for WMDs, or protecting the oil supply? Is it coincidence that the Texas oil companies purchase oil from the Bin Laden family, and for some reason we cant find a 6 foot tall man on dialysis running around the mountains? Time and again the government seems so successful at diverting our attention to other causes. Why is the white house so quick to go to Iraq with no proof of wrong doingyet so slow to react to Hurricane Katrina? From the Clinton administration to the Bush administration, we went from have record high surplus to have a record deficit. The American public is no longer a concern to the government. They could care less about us. God bless the United States? Why? We no longer worship God. We worship the almighty dollar. Separation of church and state my big fat white ass. How is that possible? We have a president who is of the religious right, asking our troops to prey for him during his re-election. A president who says the jury is still out on the theory of evolution. A president who is pro-life and even pro microplasm and will not allow stem cell research. YET.. Is in favor of the death penalty, and has no problem asking 18 year old kids to kill, and die in the name of freedom for the United States. Again, Thou shall not kill.My Ass. Thou shall not steal? Goodbye social security. Hello Iraqi oil fields. Thou shall not worship false idols..yet they erect a statue of the 10 commandments on the steps of a courthouse, which makes no fucking sense to me. Well, thats all I have for now..
ATTENTION: This is Jim.......I wrote this rant and it was meant for my page, but unfortunantly my ranting arrogent ass didnt notice I was signed onto my beautitul wifes I apologize for that. Please disregard this post.
But a great rant it was!
Interesting read.