Um. Work. Lots and lots of it. School work. Job search, for both the summer and next school year. Apartment search. Christ. I am gonna be even more broke next year than I was this year, from the looks of it. There has to be sooooooooomething I can do that's moderately enjoyable and pays moderately well. But I need money NOW. I need a downpayment for an apartment. O, geez, that's totally enough whining for one entry. I finally fucking finished Barry Lyndon for my Kubrick class, and that is most defintely good news. I answered a higher than usual percentage of Jeopardy questions correctly tonight, so that was fun. I got 40/40 questions right on my Anthropology midterm, which I was totally psyched about, 'caused I rushed through it so I could leave for Miami as early as possible. The next book I have to read for my Kubrick class is The Shining, and that kicks more than a little ass. I have Alton Browns and Iron Chefs for my viewing pleasure at Brent's house. And those are the good things going for me right now. Even though the next couple months are gonna be incredibly full and busy, I'm really psyched. I've been having a lot of fun with everyone and there's still so much I want to do here before I go back for the summer. I feel like I wasted so much time not getting to know this city. Less Than Jake is playing at Jannus Landing next Thursday, and I'm REALLY psyched about that. I never get to go to shows anymore. Alright, enough out of me. Tell me about you.
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Thursday Oct 13, 2005
I'M FUCKING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
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