Yeah, so if anybody in the Greater Tampa Bay area wants to hang out, get at me, because I am BORED. Bored, bored, bored. Yesterday was the worst weather I've seen since the hurricanes came through. It was really windy and rainy and gross and depressing. Boy do I hate the rain. So today I was like, "ok, I'm gonna be prepared for shitty weather". I had on a turtkeneck, a peacoat, jeans, boots, walk outside....75 degrees and sunny as shit. There are people laying out at the damn pool. I felt like a complete crazy person. Anyways, the last 2 days have been really uneventful, and though I could be using this to my great advantage (ie STUDYING) all I have done is bitch about there being nothing to do. Tonight is bowling,so that should be semi-fun, as long as Ryan doesn't try to have sex with me, as he is so fond of doing. And I really don't see that happening. Dude is such a hornball. Anyways, tomorrow I wanna go to the Gasparilla arts festival but I don't think anyone here will go with me. Kali's home for the weekend and my other's not really their thing. I need to go out to the International Mall. I need a job. If anyone knows of a way for me to make money while I'm still here before I go home for summer, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease let me know. I just found out that I'm getting 4,000 LESS in scholarship money next year. Oh, god, it's almost enough to give me an aneurism. That would nearly take care of my rent for the entire 9 months I'll be livng in Tampa next year. It nearly makes me cry. Anyways...hope everyone is doing well and having a slightly less boring and mixed up time than I am!
<3 Franki
<3 Franki