Whoa, hey, so I just TRIED to apply to SG, and since I am computer illiterate to the max, I don't exactly know if it worked...I pressed the submit button like 40 times and the screen never changed, so for all I know they could be getting 40 copies of it...muahahah. But, anyways, I had trouble attaching my pics to the app. 'cause...you guessed it, I am comp retarded. It said they had to be JPEG or GIF, and since I don't know what the hell that means, I first tried to attach them from "my pictures", and when that didn't work I tried to copy and paste the URL thingy from my fotki pics (there are new ones by the way, www.fotki.com/FrankiL). So who really knows if it worked? And how long does it take to find out if you got in, anyways? Eh, perhaps I'll just reapply again shortly. And if anyone wants to offer assistance with the whole Franki-being-too-retarded-to-properly-operate-a-computer thing, that would be wonderful.
xox Franki
xox Franki
all the answers to you questions.

I think it was mostly technical stuff
I think she has it figured out now. If not...you can always IM me Franki.