Ah, it's about to be a time to relative stress for me-- a project due tomorrow, a midterm on Wednesday, another project due next Tuesday, and two more midterms next Wednesday. Yet somehow I feel calm and relaxed about it. I fell asleep for 2 1/2 hours when I got out of class today...it was great. So my day has consisted solely of class and sleep. Now I need to work and my reward shall be to finish reading the Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands, by Stephen King. It's a really great series and if you haven't read it, you should. I got the new Goldfinger cd, but I haven't listened to it yet-- it came in the mail today. Have any of you listened to it? I got a signed copy...whooooo, I am excited by little things. Their last cd was a departure from their older stuff, I think. More poppy, and definitely more preachy. A lot of fans were mad that so much of it was dedicated to persuading people to stop eating animals. It didn't really bother me. I wish they toured more